
Kenyan separatists deny being behind deadly resort attack

A Kenyan separatist movement denied on Friday accusations by the authorities that it was behind a raid in a coastal resort that killed eight people, although it said former members may have been involved. Armed police officers shot dead six attackers and two policemen were killed in Thursday's early morning raid on a casino popular with tourists in Malindi. Officials blamed the banned Mombasa Republican Council (MRC). A series of attacks blamed on the movement have damaged prospects for growth and investment along Kenya's coast, a major tourist draw, and in Mombasa, an economically vital port city. "Police should stop using the MRC as a scapegoat for failing to protect Kenyans," senior MRC member Omar Bebo told Reuters. He said that criminal gangs "have taken advantage of our sour relationship with government to cause trouble". "Some of these gangs are formed by splinter groups of youths who decamped from the MRC because we rejected their ca...

Somali Heestii Fanaanada Nasteexo Ciise (Bilaash-Xeyte (Video)


The Potential Negative impact of Establishing “Jubaland State” founded on a policy of Exclusion

The aim of this article is not to cause further problems for the southern Somalis consisting of all Somali clans who have all suffered during the last 23 years. The aim to try to help prevent further complications and sufferings of the southern Somali clans that may result from establishing southern Somalia federal sates based on an unfairness and in a way that may exclude certain clans. Up to year 1780 the peoples of Horn of Africa were, among others, those of Abyssinian, Adel, Ajan and Zansibar. By 1859 the peoples have curved up the land among themselves with the Somali and Zanzibar occupying the lion’s share. By 1896, after the European scramble for Africa and their Berlin conference of 1884 the region was subdivided into British, French and Italian colonies. Looking at most of the historical maps one clearly sees that the inhabitants of the area north of river juba were the Rahanwein (DigilMirifle) as they are still today. River Juba is still the Rahanwein’s natural southern ...

Dawladda Sucuudi Carabiya ayaa sheegtey inay dalkeeda ka xannibi doonto Internetka

 Dawladda Boqortooyada Sucuudi Carabiya, ayaa daboolka ka qaadday inay dalkeeda ka xannibi doonto baraha internetka dadku ku wada xiriiraan sida: Skype, WhatsApp iyo Viber, haddii shirkadaha isgaarsiintu ku guul-darraystaan in ay la socdaan waxyaabaha ka dhacaya mareegahan. Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta iyo Macluumaadka Tiknoolajiga ee Sucuudiga, ayaa shirkadaha isgaarsiinta dalkeeda ee Telcom u soo jeedisay inay si macquul ah ula socoto waxyaabaha amniga waddanka ka dhanka ah ee lagu maleego mareegaha bulshadu ku kulmaan. Hay’addu waxa ay shirkadaha isgaarsiinta siisay waqti ku eg dhammaadka toddobaadkan inay digniintaas kaga soo jawaabaan, waxaanay ku hanjabtay haddii shirkaduhu muddadaas ku soo jawaabi waayaan inay dawladda Sucuudigu ka qaadi doonto tallaabo ay dalkeeda kaga xannibayso mareegahaas. Ku-xigeenka Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta iyo Macluumaadka Tiknoolajiyadda ee Sucuudiga Mr. Sulaiman Mirdad, ayaa wargeyska maalinlaha ah ee Okaz u sheegay in go’aankan la gaaray, wax faallo a...

Riwaayadii Aasha Dheer (Kunsheerto) G, Baydhabo (Video )


Haweeney Soomaali ah oo Lesbian ah ama ah dumarka jecel ayaa si arxan daro ah ay u dishay hooyada dhashay (Video)

Haweeney Soomaali ah oo Lesbian ah ama ah dumarka jecel dumarka kale inay u galmoodaan ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay si arxan daro ah ay u dishay hooyada dhashay haweeney ay is qabeen oo xaaskeeda ahayd oo ayna wada noolaayeen. Haweeneydaan Soomaalida ah oo lagu magacaabo Sagal Maxamud Saadiq oo 40 sano jir ah kuna nool magaalada San Jose, California ee dalkaas Mareykanka ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay is qabeen oo ayna is guursadeen haweeney kale oo lagu magacaabo Minema Kirk oo 37 sano jir iyagoona is qabay mudo gaareysa ilaa iyo 3 sanadood, Laakiin labadaas haween oo uu soo kala dhex galay muran ayaa waxay haweeneydaas ay go’aansatey inay soo af jarto xiriirkaas guurka arintaas oo ay ka xumaatay haweeneydaas Soomaalida ah ka dibna ay si caro ku jirto ay kula dhacday xaaskeeda hooyadeed oo lagu magacaabi jirey Yvonne Marie Kirk oo 65 sano jir ahayd iyadoona ay si xun ula dhacday mindi weyn taas oo keentay inay islaantaasi ay ku dhimatey isla goobtaas. Haweeneydaan Soomaalida oo iyad...

Russia cleans up after meteor strike Photos (Video)
