Canada; 'Idle No More' and colonial Canada

Activists call to reenvision Canada's relations with its indigenous people. Canada's colonial reality is now in the spotlight, as Idle No More protests voice the struggles of indigenous people against sustained political and economic oppression. Thousands are joining historic actions to call for fundamental changes in Canada's relations to aboriginal people. Central to Idle No More are longstanding indigenous demands for justice around land rights, economic resources and self-determination that rest at the heart of both Canada's history and future. Winter hunger strike Idle No More protests first took place across Canada to mark International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2012. Early the next morning Chief Theresa Spence, from Attawapiskat First Nation in northern Ontario, began a hunger strike in a tepee on Victoria Island, just minutes away from Canada's Parliament in Ottawa. After surviving on only broth and medicinal tea for over six we...